
nyssenate31.com – Human Giant was a groundbreaking sketch comedy show that aired on MTV from 2007 to 2008. Created by and starring Aziz Ansari, Rob Huebel, and Paul Scheer, with Jason Woliner as the primary director, the show quickly gained a cult following for its unique blend of humor and social commentary. Despite its short run, Human Giant left a lasting impact on the sketch comedy genre.

The Concept and Cast

Human Giant featured a series of short, humorous sketches that often parodied television and popular culture. The show’s format allowed for a wide range of comedic styles, from absurdist humor to satirical takes on current events. The core cast of Aziz Ansari, Rob Huebel, and Paul Scheer brought their distinct comedic voices to the show, creating a dynamic and versatile ensemble.

Critical Reception and Awards

The show received positive reviews for its creativity and bold approach to sketch comedy. Critics praised the cast’s performances and the show’s ability to tackle controversial topics with humor and insight. Although it did not win any major awards, Human Giant’s influence on the comedy landscape is undeniable.

Themes and Impact

Human Giant explored a variety of themes, including social media, celebrity culture, and the absurdities of modern life. The show’s sketches often featured exaggerated characters and situations, allowing the cast to comment on real-world issues in a satirical manner. This approach made the show both entertaining and thought-provoking, resonating with audiences who appreciated its sharp wit and clever writing.


Despite its short run, Human Giant has left a lasting legacy in the world of sketch comedy. The show’s influence can be seen in the work of subsequent comedy series and the careers of its cast members. Aziz Ansari, Rob Huebel, and Paul Scheer have all gone on to achieve significant success in their respective careers, often citing their time on Human Giant as a formative experience.


Human Giant stands as a testament to the power of innovative sketch comedy. Its blend of humor, social commentary, and creative storytelling made it a standout series during its run on MTV. As audiences continue to discover and rediscover the show, its legacy as a pioneering force in sketch comedy endures.